There are currently 6 feeds available.
  1. [mylist] - Feed all shows from your own list, with your day span.
  2. [today] - Feed all shows from your own list, but only episodes airing today.
  3. [yesterday] - Feed all shows from your own list, but only episodes airing yesterday.
  4. [tomorrow] - Feed all shows from your own list, but only episodes airing tomorrow.
  5. [unacquired] - Feed all shows from your own list, but only those you need to acquire.
  6. [unwatched] - Feed all shows from your own list, but only those you need to watch.
  7. [all] - Feed all shows airing today.

Base Link:

Standart Query:


Some query samples:

  1. ?feed=mylist&uid=Guest&pwdmd5=

  2. ?feed=today&uid=Guest&pwdmd5=

  3. ?feed=all&uid=Guest&pwdmd5=

So nr. 3 would be BaseLink + Query:

MyList Feed:

When using this feed you have a few extra options.

You can use this to deside if you want the feed to show your ignored shows too.

You can use this to deside if you only want the feed to list the episodes you haven't acquired.

You can use sort to deside if you want oldest or newest episodes first.


Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow Feeds:

When using these feeds you have a few extra options.

You can use this to deside if you want the feed to show your ignored shows too.

You can use this to deside if you only want the feed to list the episodes you haven't acquired.


Unacquired/Unwatched Feeds:

There is a limit to the lenght of these feeds, we have set it to a max of 200 entries.

When using these feeds you have an extra option.

You can use this to deside if you want the feed to show your ignored shows too.



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