Become a patron and help the site grow.

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Why should you subscribe or donate?

Hosting the website is not free.
Hosting by a reliable provider, on a good connection, speed and a location suitable for all of our users, is not free.
The site has always been ad-free - but without ads we need another income to keep the site running.
By donating you would help every single user have access to a clean and fast service.

We're asking for help making the site a bit better - and offering some treats in return.
We'll have plenty of bonus features for patrons and even more are brewing while you read this.

We appreciate your generous support.
Thanks to everyone who is donating!


What is Patreon?
Patreon is a way to pay your favorite creators for making the stuff you love. Instead of literally throwing money at your screen (trust us, that doesn’t work), you can now pledge a few bucks per month. For example, you could pledge $2.50 per month. This means the creator gets paid regularly, and you become a bonafide, real-life patron of the creator. That’s right. Imagine your favorite creators making a living doing what they do best… because of you.
Here is a youtube video explaining it in more detail: What is Patreon.
Our patreon page is setup as a monthly subscription.
When you pledge $2.5 or more you get a VIP reward in the form of additional features.

Subscriptions will be charged at the end of each month.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
It is possible to use a paypal account or creditcard to pay for your subscription.

We will reward our patrons with some additional features, see the reward table below:

Pledge $1.00 or more per month

Donator Credit Reward

Donator badge - Special badge only donators get. (Under development)
Patron-only feed - You get access to our patron-only feed.
Pledge $2.50 or more per month

VIP Features Reward

iCal Feeds - The ability to import your calendar in your Google Calendar, iOS, Android etc.
CSV Exports - Get a CSV for all your show/episode data.
Trigger data refreshes - Refresh any show and help keep myepisode up to date.
Advanced filtering - Filter shows by genre, classification, language, country, network, year and runtime. (Under development)
Short profile URL - Link to your profile using for easier sharing. (Under development)
VIP forum - Private forums to discuss things.
VIP badge - Special badge only for the VIP. (Under development)
New Features - You will get to test new features before they are released to everyone else.
Pledge $5.00 or more per month

VIP Features + Executive Producer Credit Reward

All VIP features listed above.
Rolling Profile Credit - Your profile and time wasted statistics will be displayed in the rolling header. (Under development)
Please make sure your email address match your patreon account - it makes it much easier for us to give you your reward.

If you have any questions please write us on: [email protected]

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